Good Head Space
Did you know that by keeping your bathroom clean and tidy you also help to keep your mind at rest and set you up for success? This rule not only applies to your bathroom but should carry on throughout your whole home. Clean spaces free of clutter and crowded products allow you to glide through your routines and minimise the 'I can't find my mascara' stress.
You Can See and Use Everything
Continuing from a happy mind being able to see ALL of your skin care, devices, and bathroom products make your day to day life that little bit easier. You will be able to see all of your items and reduce loosing and not using many products by keeping your bathroom tidy.
Dispose of Expired Products
By keeping your bathroom clean you can actively use and manage your products, this will help minimise the risk of not finishing beauty products before the expiry date. This will help to save time and money buying new items. (Products expiry date is usually measured through 'months from the opening' this can be 3,6,12 or 24 months) The image on the jar or bottle will be shown as pictured below.)

Don't be frantically looking for your products every time you are getting ready for the day, whether this is before work or going out at night. no one wants to spend time rummaging through makeup bags or cupboard. To stop this from happening to keep your bathroom clean! It will make your already busy day that little bit less time-consuming.
Clean Skin
Keeping your bathroom clean is essential for keeping your products sanitary and safe for use. Ensure your bathroom stays cool and dry as hot, damp rooms are a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and mold that may affect your beauty products and in turn end up harming your skin. By keeping your bathroom clean your skin will follow!